Other Merchandise

Daria backpack

Daria backpack

I've only seen the picture, so no comment on quality.

Daria belt

Daria belt

Silhouettes of the various characters and the logo on a belt. I have no idea where this one was sold.

Daria calendar

Daria Calendar

16 month calendar for 1999.

Daria pin

Daria pin

Simple pin with a head shot of Daria on it.

Daria watch

Daria watch

There was a Daria watch available at the Viacom Entertainment store.
It has a picture of Daria on the watch face. The case has "Excuse me, You're Standing on my Neck" written on it. It was also found in the "Things you Never Knew Existed" catalog.

Sick, Sad World (the site) was created by Wraith