Disclaimer: Daria and all related characters are the property of MTV

Steve Mitchell

(Enter Daria's room (no she doesn't still live at home) on a cold and windy December morning close to Christmas, The house has actually been decorated, not heavily but there IS a Christmas tree out in the living room and believe it or not a wreath hangs on the front door. Daria is in her mid twenties now, seven months pregnant with her first child and is busy working on her computer to finish her latest edition to her column that get's published weekly in a national newspaper)

Daria: (stops typing for a moment and winces as she places a hand on her abdomen) Ugh...I've got to lay off the Doritos for while. (Get's up from the computer) God, I feel like a damned house. I wouldn't be surprised if I look like one as well. ( walks to the kitchen where Jane is seen watching SSW on a thirteen inch tv sitting on the counter.) Don't you ever go home?

Jane: (grins sheepishly) Hey Daria, Done for the day?

Daria: (rolls her eyes) Not hardly, I still have to finish the second half of my column before Monday. Then I'll finally be on vacation. (Sighs deeply) Is Trent home yet?

Jane: No, not yet. Bummer that you have to wait until Monday.

Daria: Yea, but once I'm there I'm not even going to look at that stupid computer until after the kids born.

Jane: Can't say I blame you, you've staring at that screen for years writing your column. It's about time you took a break. Though you are taking off for maternity leave rather early. Most people wait until the kids almost due.

Daria: (shrugs) Yea well, I figured I'd use my vacation time to extend my leave. I need the break.

Jane: Hey use any edge you can, and remember when the kid shows up, you call me first.

Daria: Well, your eggar aren't you.

Jane: Hey, the first few hours after a kid is born are when it does the most bonding. I want to make sure the kid will always know aunty Jane

Daria: Aunty Jane?

Jane: The kids going to come up with a cute name for me anyway, might as well narrow it's choices before it can come up with something obnoxious.

Daria: (smirks) I guess. I'll have to plant a few obnoxious suggestions about you in it's head then.

Jane: (looks thoughtful) You would. (Beat) Have you come up with any names yet?

Daria: Not really, Trent and I haven't really been able to agree on a name if it's a boy OR a girl.

Jane: (shakes her head slowly) Times ticking away here Daria, you've got to choose a name sooner or later. Or did you actually WANT a nameless child?

Daria: No Jane, I did not plan to have nameless child. Intelligent and cynical I'm hoping, but not nameless. We just haven't thought of a fitting name yet.

Jane: Well keep thinking. I want my niece to have THE coolest name. I'd also prefer it if the baby could have your old room. I figure that should give it a well rounded personality. (Beat) I couldn't believe you didn't want to know the sex of the baby. I thought you didn't like surprises.

Daria: Typically I don't, but good things come in three's and since Trent's proposal to me and me finding out that I was pregnant were both COMPLETE surprises. I figured this would be as good a time as any to make the exception and make it a threesome.

Jane: Hmm....How about naming the kid Jane if it's a girl, It's a good American name. Did wonders for me.

Daria: (looks at Jane oddly) You just want somebody named after you. I'm not even going to name it after me or Trent. That's one thing we agreed on right off the bat.

Jane: Let me guess, you didn't want to conform to any kind of age old tradition.

Daria: Yea, that and my mom would make too much of a fuss over it anyway. I'm afraid she's out to spoil the little tike rotten just like she did Quinn. (Takes a deep breath and closes her eyes)

Jane: (Looks at Daria oddly) You okay Daria? You look a bit uncomfortable.

Daria: No more uncomfortable than life usually makes me.

Jane: Actually I was referring to the NEW uncomfortable look your wearing. The one that could easily be confused with a look of constipation...OR a really nasty case of gas. Either way it doesn't look pleasant.

Daria: Thanks Jane, I really needed THAT image stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I'm okay, The kid is probably just sitting on my bladder again. It'll pass.

Jane: The baby sure has been active on you lately, I seriously don't think he/she is going to inherit Trent's narcolepsy. (Opens the fridge to show some leftover pizza) My god, you left some of the pizza in the fridge. Are you sure your feeling okay Daria? With those cravings you get you usually clean out the fridge faster than Trent and the rest of the band combined.

Daria: No, my stomach is doing to many flip flops to be hungry. And that's probably for the best that it not inherit Trent's sleeping habits. I don't want to spend my life worrying about the kid falling asleep at the drop of a hat. (Takes a deep breath and presses on her abdomen) Damn!

Jane: That kid is determined to get your attention. (Yells at Daria's abdomen) HEY KID, GET YOUR FOOT OFF YOU"RE MOM"S BLADDER!!

Daria: Jane, you didn't really think....( A weird look comes over her face and then sighs in relief) Thanks Jane.

Jane: I do what I can. (Smirks evilly)

Daria: You seem to better at this than I am, want to trade places?

Jane: (holds her hands up) No thank you, I've seen your cravings first hand. You almost took my hand off a couple of times and then had to spit the plate back out.

Daria: (scowls) I'm not THAT bad!

Jane: Whatever you say mashed potatoes and pickles woman.

Daria: I was hungry, okay! (Holds her abdomen in pain) Ugh, it's back.

Jane: (chuckles) Jeez, Your not going to go into early labor on me are you?

Daria: I don't think it's that. It's something else... (groans and Drops to her knee's in pain)

Jane:(deeply concerned look comes over Jane's face) Daria, do you want me to drive you to the doctor? (Daria passes out on the floor) (Jane quickly grabs the phone and dials 911) On second thought, I think the moment requires for much more immediate action.

(Cut to Trent as he pulls up to the house after rehearsal. An ambulance is seen leaving the driveway along with a paramedics squad car)

(Trent Bolts from his car in fright and runs into the house yelling for both Daria and Jane only to find that no one is there and Daria's computer is still on in the middle of her column. He saves it and shuts the computer off than runs back out the door to chase down the ambulance)

(Cut to Lawndale Memorial Hospital)

(Jane is seen greeting Trent as He comes in through the emergency room entrance. She has a deeply worried look on her face indicating that things are not well.)

Trent: Where is she Jane? Where's Daria?

Jane: Daria's In the emergency room. I don't think it's good Trent, They wouldn't let me in there with her.

Trent: Have they told you anything at all?

Jane: Not yet, Which worries me even more. What if something is horribly wrong with the baby?

Trent: Oh god, don't even get me going. My minds been going circles around the earth since I saw the ambulance leave the house earlier. What happened?

Jane: She was complaining of some sort of abdominal pain and then she collapsed on the floor.

Trent: I should have been home! DAMMIT, I should have been with her! (Kicks a chair)

Jane: (places her hand on Trent's shoulder) Don't bring this on yourself Trent, It would have happened if you had been there or not. For now let's just hope things turn out better then they currently are. Trent, you hang here for a minute in case the doctor comes out. I'm going to get us some coffee.

Trent: (looking down at the floor as he talks to Jane) Make sure it's black. I could use some caffeine right about now.

Jane: (solemnly) Thy will be done, oh brother of mine.

(Cut to two hours later. Jane and Trent are on their fourth cup of coffee and are staring at the ceiling counting cracks trying to keep themselves from wringing their hands in worry over Daria.)

Jane: No wonder Daria finds this so fascinating, It's a very mind numbing hobby. To bad you can't get paid to do this, it would make a great career.

Trent: Yea, But not mind numbing enough.

Jane: Tell me about it. (Kicks the table) Dammit, why can't they tell us something? At least that she's alive, I'm going out of my mind here for god's sake.

(Doctor Phillips comes through a door leading to the maternity ward)

Phillips: Trent Lane?

Trent: (jumps up) YO! That's me. (Both He and Jane walk over to the doctor)

Phillips: (shakes their hands) Would you both come with me. I think we should talk for a moment. (He escorts them into a small conference room and shuts the door behind them) (takes a deep breath) I'm afraid it doesn't look all that good, Daria was experiencing the beginnings of some prenatal complications.

Jane: (to Trent) I think we're going to need subtitles here.

Phillips: More simply, She was experiencing the beginnings of a miscarriage. It's possible that she could lose the baby.

Jane: Oh god no! (Trent meanwhile is so busy trying not to cry that he can't speak. A commotion is heard as Helen and Jake enter the waiting room and Helen Is demanding to see her daughter.) AW SHIT NO!!

Phillips: I take it that's Daria's mother and father.

Jane: How could you guess?

Phillips: (shrugs) I sensed A disturbance in the force. Do you want them in here with us, or do you want to tell them.

Jane: (sighs) Just put them in straight jackets for now. I think they'd cause more harm than good if they were in here with us.

Phillips: (looks out the conference room window at Helen Who is badgering a nurse) I'll definitely have to keep that in mind

Trent: (manages a weak smile at this) That's okay doc. We'll tell them.

Phillips: Okay then, As I was saying. It's possible she could lose the baby. Right now it's two months premature and our only option to save the baby at this point is to attempt a C-section and place the baby in a incubator in hopes that it's lungs are developed enough to survive.

Trent: There's no way to stop this?

Phillips: She was beginning to hemorrhage when we brought her in. We can try to stop the bleeding without delivering but it would carry an extremely high risk of losing either the mother or the baby, or possibly even both. The option I'm presenting to you is the one that carries the least risks and the best chance for survival of both of them. (Looks very solemn) I'm afraid I need to get an answer from you as quickly as possible.

Trent: (thinks for a moment) Do it. (Dr. Phillips walks out quickly) (Trent looks up at the ceiling) God help her! I hope I made the right decision Janie

Jane: (voice cracks as she attempts to hold back tears) You did what had to be done Trent, lets just hope things turn out for the best. (Sighs as she looks out the conference room window at Helen And Jake) Okay, I guess we've got to go break the news to the mob.

Trent: Got earplugs?

Jane: Are you kidding? After having you for a brother for so many years the things have become mandatory equipment, I carry them wherever I go. (Takes two sets out of her pockets and hands one to Trent. (As she places them in her ears) Alright...let's dance. (They both leave the conference room to break the news to Helen and Jake)

(After hearing the news Jake breaks down and cries for a while and Helen starts screaming at a few nurses to get as many doctors working on her daughter as humanly possible. After a while though she settles down and just starts talking their ears off about Daria's childhood)

(cut to four hours later. Helen is STILL talking)

Helen: (reminiscing) I Always thought Quinn would be the first one to give us a grandchild. Daria was always so Quiet. Always said she hated children when she was a child. Now years later, who would have thought.

Jane: (under her breath) Yea, who would have thought I'd be stuck here trying to worry about my sister in law while being subjected to your constant ranting.

Helen: What?

Jane: I said really? That's very interesting.

Helen: I'm glad you think so Jane. Daria really is so lucky to have you for a friend.

Jane: (under her breath) My god she got my name right! (Looks over at Jake and Trent who have fallen asleep on each other.) I guess four cups of coffee just wasn't enough for him.

Helen: Oh for god's sake. I can't believe he would....

Jane: (rolls her eyes) Take it easy Helen, I was just busting on him. He did so much pacing and worrying before you got hear, I'm surprised he didn't wear a hole in the floor. He just worried himself out is all. It's probably better this way, He'd be wringing his hands so much they would have worn off by now.

Helen: That still doesn't explain Jake, He should...

Jane: He probably, um...hmm....well, I can't speak for Jake. But I'm sure he did something similar. Just in his mind. (To herself) What little he has.

Helen: I guess we all have our ways of dealing with these things.

Jane: (to herself) Yea, Like Trent. He had the right idea in falling asleep. I'll bet it's much more effective than these earplugs. (Out loud) Yea, we sure do. (Kicks Trent to wake him up) Hey Trent, wake up.

Trent: Huh, what? Daria!

Jane: Relax Trent, We still haven't heard anything yet. Do you want to take a walk outside and get some air?

Trent: (Rubs his eyes) Yea, I think that would probably be a pretty good idea. (He gets up and the two of them take the elevator down to the first floor and walk outside the hospital)

Jane: Thank god, I don't think I could have listened to her ranting much longer. I can't imagine how Daria put up with it for so many years.

Trent: (Looks down) Yea, She's a strong woman.

Jane: (looks sympathetic) They'll both pull through, you'll see. Neither one of you are born quitters so the baby MUST have inherited that trait. I can't imagine it any other way Trent. I don't WANT to imagine it any other way. This past eight months I haven't been able to think of anything except coming over as often as possible to see the little tike and maybe teach em' something about art, maybe bounce the little bugger on my knee or something. To say nothing about having someone call me aunt Jane. Now that this has happened I may not only lose that dream but may lose my best friend in the process. GOD this world freaking sucks!

Trent: Mmm...yea. (Pulls out a pack of cigarettes out of his pockets and proceeds to light up.)

Jane: (surprised look appears on her face) Now I can really tell you're worried. Does that actually help you?

Trent: Helps me think. Can't remember how I started. I quite A long time ago but it seems whenever I have something really bugging me I just get the urge to light up again.

Jane: I guess you just can't help it under the circumstances. (See's a familiar car pull into the parking lot.) And as if the clouds couldn't descend any lower, Quinn just shows up.

Trent; Huh? (Looks over to see Quinn getting out of a blue T top Camaro with a smiley face painted on the hood.) Oh, Daria's sister. Hey.

Quinn: (as she walks up) I heard that, and I have a name.

Trent: I know, Daria's sister. (Smirks weakly)

Quinn: (annoyed) Whatever! (Beat) Is she okay?

Jane: (solemnly) She's in the OR now, they're trying to save the baby.

Quinn: God, I hope she makes it through this because life would be really, really boring without her.

Jane: (surprised) Really? I didn't think you and Daria were that close.

Quinn: Of coarse we are silly, How else would I remind myself of how not to dress. (Looks at Trent who is still smoking) EW! How can you do that, It causes wrinkles and makes your clothes stink and stuff. Not to mention makes you look a lot older which is really, really bad.

Trent: (puffs smoke in her face) Bite me!

Jane: (rolls her eyes) Same clothes, same old Quinn. (Thrusts her thumb out in the direction of the hospital door) Third floor, maternity ward. Your parents are still up there.

Quinn: Thanks Jane! Why are you two down here instead of up with my mom and dad? I would have thought you'd be bouncing off the walls about now.

Jane: We've been up there for most of the day. We got so worked up we just needed some fresh air. Like we said, your moms on the third floor.

Quinn: Okay, see you up there then. (Walks off into the hospital)

Jane: I do so despise that woman. (Looks at the smiley on Quinn's car and smirks evilly)

Trent: I know that look Jane. What are you concocting?

Jane: Just a little self expression. (Pulls a red marker out of her Jacket, walks up to Quinn's car and draws a bullet hole in the forehead of the smiley face on the hood of Quinn's car.)

Trent: (looks at Jane's handy work for a moment) Hmm...strangely, I find that rather suiting.

Jane: (smirks evilly) Every occasion deserves to be represented by a work of art and your kid is no exception, Trent.

Trent: (looks down) Yea, tell me about it. (Sits down on the curb and lights up again) If I don't hear anything soon I'm going to go nuts Jane, I can't take it any more. I have to see her, if only to know she's okay. She's the only thing on my mind right now. (Takes another cigarette and lights up yet again)

Jane: Your going to go through that entire pack in the next few minutes aren't you? (Thinks for a moment and then sits down next to him and grabs his pack of cigarettes) Ah hell, give me one of those! (Pulls one out then grabs Trent's lighter and lights up)

Trent: Since when do you smoke?

Jane: Since right now. I can't seem to cheer either one of us up so I might as well join you in this mind numbing activity before I start beating my head against Quinn's car. You know that smiley face taunts me.

Trent: Look Janie, I know you were trying to get my mind off this whole thing But right now she's all I can think about.

Jane: I know, It's the only thing on my mind too. (thinks for a moment) Have you though of any names?

Trent: How can I be thinking of names right now? I'm not even sure if Daria is going to make it through this to say nothing about my kid being born.

Jane: I'm trying to concentrate on the positive here. The last thing Daria and I were talking about was baby names.

Trent: Really? She didn't mention anything to me about it. Did she have anything in mind?

Daria: No, just what she didn't have in mind. She said that you didn't want to name the kid after either one of you. Why?

Trent: We just want something original, something that has meaning. I don't know, I guess we haven't found anything original enough for us.

Jane: I see, so I'll have re-institute my age old custom of relationship meddling just to get you to pick out a name.

Trent: Jane what the hell are you talking about?

Jane: Nothing, it's a long story. So You don't have a name yet, What better time to start thinking it over. It should kill a whole hell of a lot of time and we don't appear to be going anywhere at the moment.

Trent: (Looks at Jane weirdly and then sighs) I guess. Any suggestions?

Jane: What am I a list of baby names? Just start thinking.

(Cut to a while later. They are STILL thinking)

Trent: How the hell should I know, I just don't think it's a decent name.

Jane: But we've exhausted every name we can think of. Don't you like any of them?

Trent: They just don't sit well with me, that's all.

Jane: Consciousness doesn't sit well with you for god's sake.

Quinn: (comes out of the hospital front door) What are you guys doing out here? The doctor is talking to mom and dad. (Quinn is knocked down as Trent and Jane rush past her into the hospital and up to the third floor. Quinn is seen lying on the ground with a well defined boot print tread across the smiley face on her baby T shirt. )

(Jane and Trent come barging through the waiting room door as the doctor is talking to Helen And Jake)

Trent: Where is she? Where is my wife?

Phillips: Ah, I was wondering when you would get here. We can talk in here (Shows all of them into the conference room and closes the door behind them) Okay Mr. Lane, your wife is resting. That's where she is. The procedure went better than expected as far as Daria Is concerned. Your daughter however is not out of the woods yet.

Trent: (dumbfounded) My....daughter? I'm... a... father?

Phillips: Congratulations Mr. Lane, But as I said she's not out of the woods yet. To give it to you straight, She's two months premature. Her lungs are still a little under developed and right now she's in an incubator and on a respirator. She weighs in at a little over two and a half pounds Trent. (Sighs) We're going to watch her around the clock Mr. Lane Well make sure she makes it past these first few weeks, but even when we take her off of the equipment, It's going to be a while before you would be able to hold her.

Trent: What about Daria? I have to see my wife doc.,I can't take it anymore.

Phillips: Like I said Trent, She's resting in recovery. You won't be able to see her for at least a few hours so In the mean time I suggest that you go on up and take a look at your new daughter.

Jane: But you said she's in an incubator.

Phillips: She is, but there is a window you can view her through. You won't be able to touch her but it should at least give you some sort of comfort.

Trent: I'll take what I can get at this point, Just lead the way.

(Helen and Jake get up to follow but Dr. Phillips stops them.)

Phillips: Just two at a time right now so Trent and Jane should be the first to go up. The baby is sensitive to just about everything so we don't need to much commotion. When These two come down then you two can go up, and I'm afraid I can't allow any cameras at this point so you'll need to put it away Mr. Morgendorffer. (Jake sulks and puts the camera away)

(Helen starts to protest but is silenced by Jake who places a hand over her mouth and motions for Jane and Trent to head up with the doctor)

(Cut to outside the maternity ward)

Trent: (staring) My god, look at her, she's so tiny. I just...can't believe it.

Jane: How can she breathe while hooked up to all of that junk? It's a damned miracle we can even see her at all.

Trent: It's a damned miracle she's HERE at all.

Jane: (smirks) Why I do believe your getting sentimental on me. Or do you always wear a look of awe on your face?

Trent: Yea well, That's my kid in there. I can't help it. Besides, it's not every day I get to look at my own daughter for the first time.

Jane: Not to often Trent, That's for sure. (looks for a moment) She sleeps like you Trent. (Trent glares) All right, all right, won't go there.

Trent: Do you think Daria has had a chance to see her yet?

Jane: I doubt it, She was out like a light through the whole thing. (Looks at Trent) I know what your thinking Trent and don't worry, if she's anything Like Daria she'll pull through this in a pinch. No worries.

( Jane and Trent stand there at the window watching for over two hours simply marveling at what has transpired before them. A whole new life has enriched theirs and changed it forever)

(The doctor comes down the hallway and approaches them)

Phillips: Mr. Lane?

Trent: Yes?

Phillips: She's awake now so you can see her for a short time. She needs time to recover so don't excite her and don't spend to much time in there. She's been though a lot this past day.

Jane: (closes her eyes for a moment) Thank God!

Trent: Hey, I was going to say that! What are you psychic now?

Jane: (shakes her head) Let's just go see Daria before the doc. Changes his mind.

Trent: You don't have to tell me twice.

(Cut to Daria's hospital room)

(Daria opens her eyes to see Trent sitting in a chair next to her as he is holding her hand which now has an IV tube running from it, while Jane stands behind him looking at them both)

Daria: (weakly) Trent?

Trent: I'm here Daria. I'm not going anywhere.

Daria: What happened to the baby?

Trent: You had some complications with the baby Daria, They had to perform a C- section to save the baby.

Daria: (Tears begin to roll down her cheek) The baby...

Trent: SHE...survived. She's in an incubator hooked up to some machines.

Daria: She? It's..It's a girl?

Trent: (squeezes her hand) Yea love, It's a girl. We did it.

Daria: (smiles uncontrollably) She's early.

Trent: I know, That's why the doctors are giving her special care. Don't even sweat it, You'll have her in your arms before you know it.

Jane: Way to go Daria, I Knew you'd make a scene when the day came but hell, this surpassed my expectations by a long shot.

Daria: (looks at Jane) Just what I need to get me back on my feet, An infusion of sarcasm.

Jane: It's been our life's blood for years, I figured you might be running low so Here I am to give you some of my own.

Daria: How touching Jane. I Knew I could count on you.

Jane: (bows) As always. You should see her Daria, she has your nose. And Trent's ears, It's only a matter of time before she has colonies of earing's running up both ears. Maybe even other places.

Trent and Daria: NO!!!

Jane: (defensively) Okay, no piercing's. (To herself) Until she's older that is.

Daria: Where are my parents Trent?

Trent: They're downstairs making faces at the baby. You're mom's probably already thinking of ways to spoil the child. Or load her up with sugar and send her home to bounce off the walls.

Daria: Retribution eh?

Jane: Big time. We'll have to keep an eye on them for a while.

Daria: Can't wait. (Tears run down her cheeks again)

Jane; What's wrong Daria?

Daria: I want to hold her. Just to see she's real.

Trent: All in good time (leans forward and kisses her forehead)

(Cut to a month later)

(Daria, Trent, Jane, Helen, Jake and Quinn all watch as Daria's daughter is taken from her incubator and is placed into a normal hospital crib.)

Quinn: She's so Cute Daria. I can't believe she came from you and Trent. Maybe there's hope for her after all.

Jane: I think that effectively eliminates the name Quinn from the list.

Quinn: What!!! You can't, I have every right to have a kid named after me. If she's going to be attractive and popular she's GOT to have a cute name. It's like...

Jane: Don't EVEN compare this to giving scraps to the dog. As the girls aunt I shall be forced to destroy you should you do so.

Quinn: (annoyed) Whatever.

Daria: Will you Knock it off Quinn, She already has a name.

Helen: What? I thought you hadn't named her yet.

Jake: What, you named her? Why am I always the last to know about these things?

Helen: Daria, You never told us this. Why would you hold back on something like that?

Daria: (Glares) I DIDN'T, Trent and I decided this morning.

Jane: (taps her foot impatiently) Yea, so! Don't keep us in suspense. What's the kids name already! Or do I have to go searching through the hospitals records. And you KNOW I will.

Trent: Take a look for yourselves. ( Trent points as a nurse places a name tag on the baby's crib. The Tag read Cadence Diana Lane.)

Daria: Trent, I think It's time for something I've been waiting for the entire month.

Trent: (nods approvingly) Absolutely! (For the next few minutes Jake fumbled for his camera, Helen badgered him about the film speed, Jane looked on with interest that she had only shown once in a while regarding a special piece of art, and Trent simply watched in awe as moment by moment passed with a seeming eternity, but then not a word was spoken by anyone as Daria with a tear rolling slowly down her cheek entered the nursery and for the first time in the month since she was born, Daria was allowed to hold Cadence in her arms. )

******************************THE END*************************************** Roll ending credits:

Photos of Daria, Trent and their new child are seen as the credits roll by

Daria holding her baby for the first time in the nursery

Jake trying to take a picture of the threesome

Helen begging Daria to hold the baby

Trent Holding Cadence in his arms

Any comments regarding this story may be sent to wildgoose81@hotmail.com Feed back would be greatly appreciated.