Cynical Soldier Sailor Moon Daria
by Entropy

Episode 1 of 8

 "Beginnings and scandals, the coming of Allen!" Daria created and owned by MTV

Sailor Moon and the rest of the sailor scouts created by Naoko Takeuchi

Allen Davis, inspired by the Sailor Moon villian Ali, created by Naoko Takeuchi


Part 1

Scene 1

Inside Daria's room. Daria is tossing and turning in her bed. Cut to her dream, of her and Queen Beryl's final battle as the two try to kill each other with each's respected energy blasts. Suddenly there is a loud boom waking Daria. She rushes to the window as she sees what seems to be a huge fire coming from High Hills Park.

Daria- Damn Satanists! Maybe I'll get lucky and that their bonfire will spread take out the school.

Suddenly from the shadows comes Luna,walking up to Daria.

Luna- That's a terrible thing to say, Daria!

Daria- So sue me for wishing.

Quinn(off camera)-Hey! Open the window!

Daria(sighing)-You want to take this lecture or should I?

Seconds later Quinn climbs through the window and turns on a lamp. We see her in her Sailor Jupiter uniform.

Luna- Where have you been? It's 12:30 A.M.!

Quinn- Jason took me to Taco Bell after the Janet Jackson concert, and some creep tried to rob the place. I fled to the restroom, transformed, and stopped the creep...

Daria(cutting her off)- You didn't kill him?

Quinn- No, but afterword I had to put up with Jason going on and on about how great Sailor Jupiter is.  I'm starting to feel like Superman.

Luna(in a growling voice)- Enough talk! It's a school night and you should be in bed. It is way past your curfew, Quinn.

Quinn leaves the room, muttering something we can't hear under her breath.

Luna(turning towards Daria)- And don't you have a History test tomorrow?

Daria- Yes ma'am. Right away I'm going to bed.

Luna(not amused)-Just go to bed.


Scene 2

High Hills Park. An upward shot of a fireball falling from the sky towards the ground. It crashes and creates a small crater. As the smoke clears a figure is seen standing in the hole. He has sea green skin, blue hair, and is wearing black tights, a black t-shirt, and a red vest with gold trim. He looks around.

Alien- Now that I've arrived, its time to put my plan in motion.

Suddenly a park security guard comes toward the crater.

Guard- Alright you damn devil worshippers! I'm taking you in!

Suddenly the alien leaps out of the hole and lands next to the guard. He smiles as he grabs the guard by the head.

Guard- Please don't kill me for your pagon rituals Mr. Satanist, I've got a dog and three goldfishes!

Alien- What in the stars above are you talking.....(looking at his I.D. card) Allen Davis? What's a Mr. Satanist?

Suddenly the alien's hands start glowing as he starts to drain the life out of his body. Within a minute he drops the lifeless body and flew away as the police began to pull into the park.


Scene 3

Jane and Daria are walking to school.

Jane- Now its your turn: What would you do if you had an army of bloodthristy mercenaries at your disposal?

Daria- In a minute. Did you see the local news this morning?

Jane-No, I was too busy talking to Trent..

Daria's eyes light up for a second

Daria(trying to be bland)-What did he say?

Jane- That he'd be done touring in about a month

Daria(still trying to sound bland)- That's nice.

Jane- Please cut the fake "I'm not interested tone of voice", it's annoying as heck.

Daria(frustrated as heck)- You know I care for Trent! But AS I TOLD YOU we are taking a break from seeing each other after that debacle with the Dark Kingdom.

Jane- Touchy this morning, aren't we?(waiting a minute) So what were you going to say that you saw on local news this morning?

Daria- They finally caught that Satanic cult that's in the park last night.

Jane- Finally.

Daria- But what's worst is that they apparently scared a security guard to death.

Jane- You mean as in "I'm having a heart attack and wetting myslf at the same time scared" fright?

Daria- Yup.

They approach the high school's entrance.

Jane- So it's back into the salt mines for use.

Daria- Lets go.

They enter the building, not knowing of what was to come.