Brief History of Daria’s Inferno
The Daria’s inferno is a great land full of intelligence,
and silence. People have no need for any sort of law enforcement
here, instead people just refuse to leave their home in
fear of physical activity. People in this great nation are
free from the oppression of the mindless "others". The entire
structure of the country is based upon the uttering of Daria
herself "Hell’s other people". (Which outlines that there
is to be no outside contact of any kind.) In fact, the capital
of The Republic of the Cynical is named after this one phrase
in memory of the great Daria. The name of each town, city,
road, and lake is named after memorable people or events
in the life of the great Daria. Brain for example, is ironically
named after the names Daria was called during high school.
Likewise, the main artery (highway) in The Esteemers is
named after Daria’s official name in school "The Misery
Chick." Each name pays tribute to the country's founder
the great Daria.
The great island Daria’s Inferno has had a short but memorable
history. It was founded by a group of extremists lead by
the great Daria in the mid 1980s, in the name of sanity.
If anyone can remember the 80s you will understand the basis
of these two nations. A group of people, tired of all the
loud, dull, stupid people decided to disband themselves
from the rest of the people. They (the sane ones) left the
confines of the "others" and set out to form their own nation.
After days of searching they landed upon the island and
began to set up their own lives. A sophisticated system
of government was set up, and each person’s life continued,
in absolute harmony. That was until the great civil war
of 1992. It started with a slight itch in the northern section
of the country, people there were beginning to laugh and
think of the good old days of the 80s. This outbreak was
met with immediate action more precisely cruel and unusual
punishment---High School. After only a few weeks of being
entrapped in High School the separatists rejoined sanity,
but felt it was better to separate into two countries invariable
bound upon each other. That, my fellow reader, just about
sums up the entire island, and realizing that this paper
will now terminate.