Daria's Alter-Egos
Fifth Season

MTV finally decides to start advertising Daria.
Crop Circle Daria
Restoring the old fairy tales to their original form. Blood and bones for the little ones.
Daria Goose

The Big Brain, Little Brain war heats up.

Daria Gulliver
Tom finally convinces her to go to a ball, and his car conveniently runs out of gas, I mean, turns into a pumpkin.
As long as they don't start singing the Green Acres theme song.
Lawndale Gothic  
Gotta pay that college tuition somehow. Besides, she can generate demand for the product.
Sandwich Daria  
First a peircing, now a tatoo... what's next?
Tatooed Daria  
Worm Daria  

Sick, Sad World (the site) was created by Wraith