Helen's Inclusion Table

The Inclusion Table: your haves and have nots


number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
count 0-- 0-- 1- 2 6++ 4++ 1- 1- 3
The inclusion table is the jewel in the lotus of the name part of numerology. It indicates which numbers (in your name) are present and which are absent. Numbers that are absent or are present in too great a quantity, are called your karma numbers by most numerologists. It is with these particular numbers that you will have to concentrate, get to know and develop throughout your life. They represent the challenges or lessons that life brings you. They are yours to recognize, come to grips with, and make your own.

There are 2 numbers missing in your name.


A lack of "1's" indicates an inability to be independent and to stand up and be counted. You need confidence and lack the drive to make yourself known. You should develop a more selfish and outgoing approach to life.


A lack of "2's" indicates that there is a tendency to be uncooperative and unable to mix and share with others. A need to learn to co-exist and respond to the reality of other people. Lacks the ability to respond to the needs of others.

Karma can also result from having a surplus of a given number. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. This is indicated by those numbers that occur in our name in super abundance. They can show great strength in what they signify, but they can themselves become a problem. Numbers that are present in excess must be noted and a conscious effort be made by us to compensate for their great strength. Properly balanced, these numbers can bring great success.
There are 2 numbers in overabundance in your name.


An overabundance of "5's" is the mark of the profligate -one who abuses human freedom. Going, going... gone. A lack of concern or a tendency to hurt others. Too much of a good thing. Need to cultivate a sense of responsibility.


An overabundance of "6's" suggests you get mired easily in the details and duties of life. Dangerously conservative and lacking flexibility. Overly responsible to the point of putting out the spark of life within you.

© 1997 Matrix Software, Inc.

Sick, Sad World (the site) was created by Wraith