Quinn Morgendorffer

Quinn is Daria's younger sister, and Vice-president of the Fashion Club. She tries, with an astonishing amount of success, to pretend that Daria is not her sister. She spends her time trying to be cute and popular, and enjoys guys fighting over her, usually Joey, Jeffey and Jamie.

She's very shallow, but occasionally has (very short) flickers of doubt about herself. Although she aspires to be a neck model for jewelry catalogues she's the one in the Fashion Club who has the best grasp on reality. Still, her sense of morality is rather limited, and she's not above taking credit for other people's work.

Her single biggest accomplishment to date is convincing all her friends that Daria really isn't her sister, just some girl that's been living with her family for the last couple years.

Sick, Sad World (the site) was created by Wraith