Jane Lane

Jane is Daria's best and only friend. They hang out together, sit near each other in class, and so on. Jane is an artist, and loves to watch TV. She's more open to new people and experiences than Daria, but she's also pretty impulsive about it, and this has lead to the occasional problem.

She's got far less rigid moral standards at time than Daria does, and is less prone to thinking things through, although she usually does eventually. She's got far less sympathy for Quinn than she does for Daria for having to live with Quinn.

Jane is pretty smart, but she's having big trouble at school. She's been on or is on academic probation, and mostly it's because she simply doesn't care. She's very focused on her art, and class is little more than time to sketch for her.

She recently met a guy she likes, on an impulse, and this has lead to quite a bit of trouble in her friendship with Daria. They're currently trying to patch things up, but Jane has a tendency to focus on one thing at a time that may lead to more trouble.

Sick, Sad World (the site) was created by Wraith