Daria Morgendorffer

Daria is the brains of the family Morgendorffer, even though she doesn't share with the rest. She is cynical (well, okay, realistic), pessimistic, and has a dim view of humanity. She is one of the 'unpopular' and proud of it. She gets straight As at school, and has even been offered a look at a local exclusive private boarding school.

She reads a lot more than is typical for a high-school student, to the point of getting special assignments in English when she's already read the books the rest of the class get assigned. All the teachers seem to use her as their lifelines, and whenever the rest of the class is stumped, Daria's the one they go to for an actual answer, although they don't always get quite what they expect.

Daria has a crush on her best friend's brother, but certainly isn't about to tell him about it. He does know, however, having overheard some comments made.

As much as she dislikes her family most of the time, she still harbors a soft spot for them.

Sick, Sad World (the site) was created by Wraith